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Real-time data. Right Actions. Grade A Pigs.

Summit SmartFarms is built for pig producers, by pig producers. Our commitment is to enhance your profitability by equipping you with the tools to continually improve your production execution.

How We Help - Hero

our mission is to make every farm a smart farm.

As each generation continues the legacy of pig farming, new opportunities and new challenges arise. We want to help you honor the past while embracing innovation. Innovation requires finding new and easier ways to manage operations. Imagine a world where a smart farm allows you to not only fix production issues but also get out ahead of them. A smart farm connects all your current systems and tools so that you can monitor, intervene, and take the right actions during your daily operations, in the moment.

Production Problems

You’re facing production challenges that affect your percentage of Grade A and your production costs.



As you know, pig health determines production outcomes. It’s not always simple to track important factors like barn temperature, feed and biosecurity risk, then proactively address them.



Staffing is the industry’s #1 challenge. Equipping your staff to manage more barns is a key to profitability. The paper clipboard limits real-time insight and proactive action to mitigate waste and mortality in your system.



Every pig lost due to a lack of real-time health monitoring or proactive action to mitigate waste and mortality reduces your profitability. Each day-to-day decision has a bottom line impact, and your team needs real-time, proactive guidance on how to prioritize their work.


Our Solutions

The SmartAction framework isn’t just another app - it’s the framework that connects the technology you’ve already invested in. The SmartAction framework pulls data from your existing tools and systems to give you prioritized actions to improve your production execution.

minimise mortality

Minimize mortality

Discern animal stress and biological risk in real time. The framework equips you to act quickly so you can minimize mortality in your barns and produce more Grade A pigs.

optimized labor

Optimized labor

The right technology platform is the key to equipping your staff. Moving beyond slow clipboards to SmartAction tablets is the foundational first step. You’ll be able to do more with less.

lower cost

Lower costs

Save millions with a higher percentage of Grade A pigs. You’ll see a positive impact in your bottom line as a result of efficient staff equipped with the information to make faster, better decisions.


smartaction framework

Today, you might have sensors to track key measurements like temperature and water status. But the question is: What action do you take when these measurements are off? 

The SmartAction framework isn’t just another app - it’s the framework that connects the technology you’ve already invested in. The SmartAction framework pulls data from your existing tools and systems to give you prioritized actions to improve your production execution.


The SmartAction Framework

Our technology is designed to give you the real-time information you need so that you can prioritize the right actions that improve production.


24/7 Monitoring

View real-time barn conditions including air quality, temperature, humidity, water, feed and power.


Smart Alerts

Receive calls, texts and alerts to quickly address livestock health issues or poor barn conditions.


Ease & Efficiency

Maintain control of your operations from any desktop, a SmartAction tablet or mobile device - no more slow clipboards.


Consolidated Data

Get consistent, simple and convenient information from all your farms in one central place.


Easy Integration

Seamlessly connects to most barn sensors and hardware via a gateway or API.


Rapid Deployment

The average pilot deployment takes only 3 weeks.


Animal Growth

Monitor animal growth, food intake and water consumption to ensure your operations are at peak efficiency.


Animal Wellness

Track death rates, medications, and illnesses, as well as which regions have the most outbreaks.

continuous improvement framework

True success doesn’t come from a one-and-done event. You’ll benefit in the near future and for years to come with our framework that grows with you and increases your production operations over time.


Fast truth leads to fast action.

Use fast truth driven by our SmartAction framework that prescribes the fast, corrective action that drives the dysfunction out of your production operations.

Ready to go?

Let’s get started together.